LyricaGrace's Entries

Funny Movies

1. Mean Girls (aka the Best Movie Ever)

"I wish I could bake a cake made of rainbows and smiles and we'd all eat it and be happy."
"She doesn't even go here!"

Added by LyricaGrace on November 13, 2016| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Movies

2. Mean Girls (Quote 2)

"I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me... but I can't help it that I'm so popular."

Added by LyricaGrace on November 13, 2016| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Movies

3. Mean Girls (Quote 3)

"Did you have an awesome time? Did you drink awesome shooters, and listen to awesome music, and then just sit around and soak up each other's awesomeness?"

Added by LyricaGrace on November 13, 2016| Comment | You Like This |


3 Entries
1 Comment

Hey I'm Lyrica and I love unicorns, art, my friends, my family/stepfamily, tv, movies, my phone, and my computer. The "Grace" part of my username is my middle name. Like I said, my name is Lyrica and the name means "little ball of sunshine" in the urban dictionary. It's also the name of a medicine which is super annoying.

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