Funny Things to Do

Funny Things to Do

1. Speak in Ye Olden English

Added by a Guest on July 5, 2024| 157 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Things to Do

2. Ending an Online Comment With Three Dots and “READ MORE” Like Th... READ MORE

Sorry, guys it’s a little too lo... READ MORE See also Internet, Pranks.

Added by a Guest on May 5, 2024| 192 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Things to Do

3. Sweeping Your Lawn

Very impractical, but great for eavesdropping on neighbors. See also Chores.

Added by a Guest on April 30, 2024| 3 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Things to Do

4. Intensely Staring in a Random Place to Trick the Ghost into Thinking That You Can See Them

Or just look like a fool for a while, whatever comes first. See also Ghosts.

Added by Yeetaleetthesecond on April 10, 2024| 7 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Things to Do

5. Looking into the Void

Added by a Guest on April 2, 2024| 6 Comments | You Like This |

Hey! A little help here! Add your own funny thing to do.

Funny Things to Do

6. Telling Someone They Dropped Their Pocket

See also Pranks.

Added by a Guest on March 24, 2024| 5 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Things to Do

7. Telling Someone They Forgot to Tie Their Socks

See also Pranks.

Added by a Guest on March 24, 2024| 12 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Things to Do

8. Wr1t1ng L1k3 Th15

Added by SoupEaterMaybeDrinker on January 22, 2024| 14 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Things to Do

9. Trading a Pen Until You Get a Van

Added by a Guest on January 8, 2024| 6 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Things to Do

10. Eating a Tomato Like an Apple

I do it sometimes. I just really like tomatoes. See also Fruits.

Added by Yeetaleetthesecond on January 1, 2024| 10 Comments | You Like This |

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