suckanegg's Entries

Funny Advice

11. Just Take My Advice, I Don't Need It.

Is that my advice or is this thing in the comments my advice?

Added by suckanegg on March 30, 2018| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Anti-Jokes

12. What's Green And Has 4 Wheels?

A green car. You expected me to say "(insert anything green without wheels you imagine often), I lied about the wheels," no? Well oops.
PS: This is another one of my repost memes, I just found it really funny.

Added by suckanegg on March 30, 2018| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Euphemisms

13. Slope Nope Rope. (blueshope Repost N.2)

Also known as a snake. (said twice, I thought about this and "Hairy Nope Nope" at the same time.)

Added by suckanegg on March 30, 2018| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Euphemisms

14. Hairy Nope Nope (blueshope Repost N.1)

Also known as a spider. See also Spiders.

Added by suckanegg on March 30, 2018| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Insults

15. Was Your Family Tree a Straight Line? (blueshope Repost N.3)

Basically saying all of you are adopted. And dumb. It took me a while to get it, but now it's so funny I can't wait to say it.

Added by suckanegg on March 30, 2018| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Nicknames

16. Wae

With the "do you kno da wae" meme now it can mean both an insult and a compliment since wae also means why and it means they're unknown or nerd.
"You're such a wae!" means that person is a total mood swinger. One day everyone loves them, next day everyone hates them.

Added by suckanegg on March 30, 2018| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Places

17. Look I Dunno What This Place Is Called.

I was browsing GM because of boringness and decided to check where I live and I found out there's a school where the teachers use memes to teach, no joke. plz read the title again cuz I am lazy to say it again

Added by suckanegg on March 30, 2018| Comment | You Like This |


17 Entries

Before the copy accuses strike I say that I'm a blueshope alt. That account is permanently inactive. So yeh I will repost Hope's posts cuz I am Hope.

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