AshnaR's Entries

Funny Advice

1. Be Nice To Nerds Because You Will Probably End Up Working For One.

The man, The legend, The billionaire, The Bill Gates.

Added by AshnaR on August 15, 2018| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Anti-Jokes

2. Why Didn't They Make an Iphone 9?

Because seven ate nine!

Added by AshnaR on August 15, 2018| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Phobias

3. xanthophobias

The fear of the color yellow
That's a real thing! Isn't that weird!

Added by AshnaR on July 5, 2018| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Phobias

4. Aphephobia

The fear of being touched.
So weird but a real thing!

Added by AshnaR on July 5, 2018| 1 Comment | You Like This |

Funny Phobias

5. Ornothophobia

The fear of birds, especially pigeons. See also Birds.

Added by AshnaR on July 5, 2018| 5 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Things to Do

6. Grab the Nearest Book and Turn to Page 182. The First Sentence Represents Your Love Life.

I got Harry woke up on Sunday morning to find the dormitory blazing with winter sunlight and his arm reboned and very stiff. That means my love life is cold and stiff. How ironic.

Added by AshnaR on July 5, 2018| 1 Comment | You Like This |

Funny Phobias

7. Hatlowhighphobia

When you are afraid the your hat is too high or low on your head and you just look weird.

Added by AshnaR on July 3, 2018| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Phobias

8. Mobilemechanicaldevicefluidphobia

When you are on a road trip and you are scared to drink your own saliva because you know you will have to pee 30 times later.

Added by AshnaR on July 3, 2018| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Phobias

9. Phobiaoftoomanyphobiasphobia

Having a phobia of having too many phobias.

Added by AshnaR on July 3, 2018| Comment | You Like This |


9 Entries

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