CJdadestroyr's Entries
Funny Anti-Jokes
1. Do You [personally] Know the Muffin Man?
I don't either. That's how fiction works.
Funny Books
2. The Entire Warrior Cats Series
For people who are cat people, but not that much. Spoilers: there's a lot of death. Thanks Erin Hunter. See also Cats.
Funny Anti-Jokes
3. What Are the Similarities Between a Window and a Pancake?
Nothing. Why would you even ask that?
Funny Instruments
4. Pi-boe
When you can't choose whether you want to play the Piano or an Oboe and you think Melodicas are too mainstream
Funny Phobias
7. Emuphobia
The fear of Emus. It was mostly prominent in Australia in 1932 and the following years. You'd understand too if you went to war with them!
Funny T-Shirts
8. A Shirt with a Picture of Jeans on It
You could make the rest of your family wear duplicate shirts and say that it's in your genes/jeans
Funny Anti-Jokes
10. How Do You Get an Elephant into a Car?
You can't. Unless you have a chainsaw and no feelings of remorse. Or a Hummer.