TheDalekDiva's Entries

Funny Animals

1. Pekapoo

Pronounced "pikapoo". A cross between a poodle and a pekingese dog. See also Dogs.

Added by TheDalekDiva on January 8, 2017| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Animals

2. Drop Bears

One of Australia's most dangerous native carnivores. Also known as the killer koala. Its Latin name is Phascolarctos Carnivora. It is not a true bear, but is closely related to the koala. It lives in trees and drops down onto passing prey below, killing and eating it. To deter it, spread strong-smelling substances such as vegemite or toothpaste behind your ears. See also Animals, Koalas.

Added by TheDalekDiva on January 8, 2017| 6 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Phobias

3. Hedonophobia

Fear of feeling pleasure. You probably don't have it if you're on this site.

Added by TheDalekDiva on January 8, 2017| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Things

4. Daleks

A race of terrifying cyborgs from the British science-fiction TV show "Doctor Who". The main character's (The Doctor) worst enemies. They kill inferior species using their whisk-like death rays, while shouting "EXTERMINATE!!!!". Surprisingly good at baking, cleaning toilets and making cups of tea.

Added by TheDalekDiva on January 8, 2017| 1 Comment | You Like This |

Funny Things

5. Hairdryers

The laser guns of the snowman world. See also Snow.

Added by TheDalekDiva on January 8, 2017| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Things

6. A Snowman Eating a Slurpee

Cannibalism in the snowman world. See also Canibalism, Snow.

Added by TheDalekDiva on January 8, 2017| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Things

7. Italics

*Something I don't know how to get on this website*

Added by TheDalekDiva on January 8, 2017| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Toys

8. Furby

A an evil, terrifying gremlin-toy. Each furby is possessed with its very own demon, tasked with taking over the souls of young children. Sometimes, when the demon is trying to enter you, the furby will writhe and make terrible, strange noises. If you spot a furby, the only way to rid the world of the terrible demon is to put it in the microwave and leave it until it explodes, expelling the demon from earth.

Added by TheDalekDiva on January 8, 2017| 1 Comment | You Like This |

Funny Words

9. Bogan

A slang word that's the Australian equivalent of "redneck".

Added by TheDalekDiva on January 8, 2017| 2 Comments | You Like This |


9 Entries


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