Funny Observations

You Can’t Stand Backwards on Stairs



Added by a Guest on May 10, 2021 | You Like This |


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Yes you can. I've skipped steps backwards on stairs up and down.

Ian Ong on May 23, 2021

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That, good sir, would be walking backwards, not facing backwards. And yes, you can face forwards and walk backwards. So that would still be facing forwards.

... on May 24, 2021

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So if I tell my brother to face backward on the stairs, I can keep him busy for the rest of the day? Heck yeah!

Rowan (he/they) on October 23, 2021

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I am confused

? on November 5, 2021


What if you stand on your head and hands?

Yeetaleetthesecond on February 15, 2022

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Unless it's a one way staircase

Super potato on July 17, 2022

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