Funny Anti-Jokes

What's Black, White, and Asian at the Same Time?

A panda.


Added by beep on December 20, 2017 | You Like This |


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That's not really an anti-joke. It made me laugh.

Jqr on January 3, 2018

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Hi on January 5, 2018

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Jaylen on March 21, 2018

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this is very racist but very very funny

natsu on July 15, 2018

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That's racist. But also funny.

Bob on September 1, 2018

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Unless it's a red panda... Then it's black and red and asian all at the same time. Wait, it has white teeth. (i hope.) So it's white too.

??? on September 3, 2019

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Fun fact: Red pandas are related to the raccoon, and the giant panda. Also, they are in there own unique classification family: Ailuridae.

??? on September 3, 2019

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(That was random. Have a good day!)

??? on September 3, 2019



Blu3asth3sk1 on March 17, 2021


Zetsu is Chinese, and given Zetsu's the colors of the Yin-Yang / black and white.

Blu3asth3sk1 on March 17, 2021

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