Funny Anti-Jokes

This Isn't an Anti Joke, but Here Goes:

How do you fit a giraffe in the fridge? Open fridge, insert giraffe, close fridge.

How do you fit an elephant in a fridge? Open fridge, remove giraffe, insert elephant, close fridge.

There are 500 bricks on a plane and one falls out. How many are left? 499

A lion is having a birthday party and invites every animal, but one doesn't show up. What animal? Elephant, he's stuck in the fridge.

Susie needs to cross an alligator infested river. She survives. How? The gators are at the party.

Susie dies anyway. Why? She was hit by a falling brick.


Added by StylishRainbowTorpedo on June 7, 2018 | You Like This |

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