Funny Observations

Adam and Eve Were the First People to Not Agree with the Apple Terms and Conditions

See also Bible, Computers.


Added by a Guest on March 17, 2020 | You Like This |


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Fun fact! Apple was founded on April 1st 1976

Potato on May 6, 2020

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this comment was made on September 21, 2020

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It took me a second

Human on November 17, 2020

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Ay so I have a theory. So I think that Apple was originally supposed to be this big April Fools joke yknow. Get the people thinking they got this cool new phone and then just take it away from em. Then they got the moneys and realized, “hey so I can actually make a business outa this crap”. Now we have Apple.

19YearOld on November 24, 2020

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i no understand

no on March 16, 2021

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Actually the fruit wasn't an apple

Sp on July 17, 2022

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