Funny Instruments


A trumpet on steroids or a baritone that needs a workout? Or maybe just the French horn's American cousin?


Added by a Guest on April 13, 2014 | You Like This |


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Mellophone is cool. French horn sucks. But trumpets the bomb. I have played all three and I never wanna play French horn AGAIN! Trumpet for life...

The mellophone player on January 16, 2015

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Well, I played the mellophone last year. It's at first fun until you realize how heavy that thing gets after a few hours.

OK With Being a Potato on March 19, 2017


I agree with you O.W.B.a.P. but The mellophone player I think we both know that you just didn't have the skill to play it well. Shut up with your trumpet for life bullcrap and accept that a trumpet is an easier French Horn.

Wippledeewap on January 14, 2018

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Mellophone is amazing on its own, a great instrument. Honestly, it sucks that its name isn't more widespread, and that people just call it a big trumpet. : /

Uhhhhhh Almond? on May 28, 2019

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