Funny Instruments


Torture Idea: Place victim in a room filled with beginner recorder players. Could also work with violins.


Added by a Guest on August 1, 2016 | You Like This |


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COULD also work with violins? I really didn't think 'does' and 'could' were possible to confuse!

Potato on December 12, 2016

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it could work for any instrument.

Bob on April 3, 2017

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or beginner clarinets, they tend to squeak a lot, especially when you are a beginner

Potato on May 5, 2017

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Beginner ANYTHING. Also, so long as the instrument has a low-enough range to reach a certain frequency, you can make the torture victim crap their pants. (South park references)

BRUH on May 25, 2017

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ANYTHING , I'm pretty sure our music teacher did this once, although she was the victim.

PERSON on June 14, 2017

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or my school's fifth grade class

soroh on October 29, 2018

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Beginner violins, but only playing the E string ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

OceanBreeze on May 4, 2019

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Combine with kazoos, do a cover on your favorite song, and watch the magic unfold.

Guest on August 18, 2019

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