Funny Anti-Jokes

Why Didn't the Time Machine Work?

Because the concept of a time machine breaks several laws of physics. See also Science.


Added by a Guest on May 28, 2016 | You Like This |


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Well seeing as there is nothing external to the universe to enforce a law; It's safe to say that there are in effect no 'laws of physics"; but rather habits. The "laws" are merely the 'rules' that regulate third-dimensional reality.. It could also be that the Universe expresses itself in these ways in order to maintain Homeostasis as a whole. If one attempts to fit an atom into a quantum space smaller than the atom; the atom will defy every 'law of physics' in order to maintain the one Law that exists- which is The Preservation of Free Will

Ryuuza on August 28, 2016

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laws are meant to be broken

Just A Potato on December 6, 2016

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What about Einstein's theory of relativity

Smart prson on May 16, 2017

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pooper on June 6, 2018

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