Funny Phobias


Fear of man-made objects under water. See also Water.


Added by a Guest on May 23, 2017 | You Like This |


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That's not funny it's a sub phobia of thalassophobia which I have and I can't swim in lakes or oceans or rivers ever. I don't really know if I have Submechanophobia because I'm not willing to find out but I could. Don't make fun of people's phobias please,

Mercy on October 1, 2017

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Oh my god I think it's about a 1% chance of getting that. But isn't that just the fear of submarines?

Anonymous on October 9, 2017

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@Mercy lighten up

. on March 20, 2018

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I can swim in lakes but get freaked out by the chains underwater. My friend is afraid of the vacuum thingy in pools. Does that count? Lol

Cinderfur on October 20, 2018

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Cough... I have this... Or just the fear of large open waters like the ocean... I hate swimming or being in a sub knowing its a long way down... I like going on planes... And I enjoy on cruises once a year with my family... (PS I do swim in the sea but I make sure I'm not to far out) omg I just thought about a submarine coming at me while I'm scuba diving and I'm now having a panick attack

Am I even a human? on November 6, 2019

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