Funny Anti-Jokes

Why is Six Afraid of Seven?

Because it is a bigger number.


Added by a Guest on June 3, 2022 | You Like This |


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becuase 6 is afraid of nine becuase seven ate nine or seven eigth nine

gugo on June 5, 2022

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i menaing six afarid of seven

gugo on June 5, 2022

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Well theres also Why is 5 afraid of 6? Cuz 6,8,7

Stasia on June 7, 2022

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ROBOT on June 16, 2022

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why is 6 scared of 7 bc 7 8 9

hakan on June 30, 2022

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but why was 10 scared?

Jac Dodge on September 9, 2022


Never knew numbers felt anything.

Yeetaleetthesecond on November 30, 2022

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Why is 6 afraid of seven? Because 7 8 (ate) 9! EZ

Ekam on May 6, 2023

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HI on May 6, 2023

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well i think it could be y was 10 afraid of 9 becuz 9 8 7

Sisi on May 6, 2023

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not really an anti-joke

potato on September 15, 2023

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