Funny Toys

My Buddy Doll

Over-sized doll designed for young boys without friends. Ironically, owning a My Buddy doll only ensured that such a boy would remain friendless. See also 80's.


Added by Anthony on April 23, 2007 | You Like This |


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My buddy, my buddy; whereever I go, he goes. My buddy, my buddy, my buddy and me...Kid sister, kid sister, whereever I go she goes. Kid sister, kid sister, kid sister and me.

Dominic on May 17, 2007

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Do u know where I can get one at cc [email protected]

kikijohn on May 29, 2007

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CORNFLAKE on October 19, 2007

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My cousin used to have one--my uncle had a fit when he found out because he said that he "would NOT have a son who has a doll!"

Piper on October 30, 2007

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That hing reminds me of Chucky!!!:(

Cass on March 17, 2008

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mrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........that thing is chucky !

ash on May 23, 2008

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My son had a 'Buddy' nearly 27 years ago, now his daughter is lovin' that same 'Buddy'!They are best friends!!Every Child should have one!

MEMA on July 26, 2009

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isnt that what chuckie was? a my buddy doll, right? creepy...

person u dont know on September 23, 2009

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Chucky was a Good Guy doll.

Terry on October 13, 2009

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Chuckie was a good guy doll, but it is obvious that he was modeled after these .

Good Guy Grown Up on October 21, 2009

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My brother got one for Christmas around the same time the chucky movie came out. Iused to tease him with it by pretending it was chucky and scaring him in the middle of the nite with it.

patrick on September 25, 2011

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