Funny Insults


You sir, are a boob!


Added by a Guest on February 2, 2007 | You Like This |


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XD! OMG! I can imagin some kid walking up to a random man in the middle of the mall and saying that! LOL! I'm going to randomly say that to my friends! LOL! ROFL! XD!

~GIN~ on June 9, 2007

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how terribly unoriginal...

Bex on February 4, 2008

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LOL!!!!!I Say that all the time!!!! its like kerfufle!!!!!!!! OMG XD *starts foaming and gagging*........

super emo robot ninja man on April 29, 2009

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man, peter griffin in family guy said that :P

snizzle on August 6, 2011

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