Funny Questions
You're driving your canoe up a tree, then you lose a wheel. How many moose hooves does it take to reach you to the moon?
Blueberry, because snakes have elbows.
Blueberry, because snakes have elbows.
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WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? I feel like someone high would ask this question, their other high friend would answer, they just stare at each other for a good five minutes then just fall to the ground, sleep, wake up forgetting EVERYTHING and start the whole thing again.
Lola K on April 4, 2018
no its bumblebee, because cereal is a fruit.
Anooooooooooooosnd on April 5, 2018
10 poptarts
memelover69 on April 5, 2018
ALDEN on April 6, 2018
kay on April 6, 2018
Actually, Zebra, because computers enjoy drumming. Or was it Neon, because death is swan? I can't quite remember....
Oof on April 11, 2018
No, its Chickens, because sun chips are made of erasers.
PotatoCat on April 16, 2018
You're all wrong. It's science, because colors are food!
The big hammy on April 16, 2018
Lol... When you didn't understand a single word of a joke but try to look like you did lmao
Potatoes are coming on April 17, 2018
potato. because chicken is a vegatable
hufflenet on April 24, 2018
WellOkThen... on April 25, 2018
dinosaur because lamps can talk
dj48790 on May 1, 2018
Well, that's such a nice joke. Nice and rad, my dudes.
Tiny_Dancer on May 3, 2018
BleededEyesight on May 3, 2018
BleededEyesight on May 3, 2018
nope, its definitely eighty five with a remainder of obama
someoneeeeee on May 10, 2018
Dude I never thought this would get so many likes and comments
suckanegg on May 11, 2018
no its houseboat becuase silkworms can cover
TomatoPotato on May 23, 2018
TomatoPotato on May 23, 2018
I was wrong, it's black bread with one hundred and purple nose grains of salt because eggs can be put into S U C C
suckanegg on May 26, 2018
best joke ever
Breanna on May 29, 2018
It's iPad, because cats are musical notes
awesomeguy21 on June 17, 2018
how does everyone come up with more answers?? just throw random words together???
angiepanda on June 20, 2018
Soup because feet eat bunnies
person on July 8, 2018
"death is swan" Now that I stan someone with Swan in the name, I can't stop thinking of him
suckanegg on August 4, 2018
You guys are all WRONG. Now listen. Scientists recently discovered that Canada has 49 states, because Pluto doesn't exist. Because of this, gravity has been inverted and fish can now walk on their hands. However, trees have armed otters with machine guns, and they are now being sent out to fight World War 4. Based on this information, it can safely be assumed that the answer is sperm cells, because TVs are yellow.
notsurewhatmyusernameis on November 10, 2018
No, it is so obvious how did you not notice. It is 412254 roof tiles because moose hooves are magical but can only be concentrated into blueberry unicorn powder so iluminati and boom you have roof tiles
Confuzzled on November 26, 2018
no its finger because kiwis swim in the grass
uiujk on February 7, 2019
no it's fish fingers because it tastes nice with custard. anyone? Doctor Who pun anyone...? k..
SapphireSwan on April 7, 2019
No its snake arms because 107 kiwi pools are for bananas
Banana oh nana on April 11, 2019
Guys its kind of obvious. Everyone knows that blue strawberries are transparent, which means that my seventh bedsheet's dentist will be awake at 3:62 AM tomorrow. One-third of the eighteen continents are all eating my dishwasher, so the answer is Moscow, Nigeria.
akS on April 21, 2019
well your canoe ran out of gas because it spilled out then a wheel fell out so you say 4397215317284932057413 then you eat some grass and see a snake thats a right angle
a on June 4, 2019
Nah Fill your boat and jump in the bush.
Gradually Watermelon on July 10, 2019
MuzzDasYeetus on August 20, 2019
its ants because it sounds like red dancers
roricat1 on October 30, 2019
The alternate answer is potato tree minus the square parrot of toenail, divided by the singing goat-rabbit from America on Neptune. Then you half multiply it and add roof tiles as said in an earlier comment. If you want the quasithird THEN you see a snake and that is a right angle as said in an earlier comment.
LSR on October 30, 2019
Everyone knows that blue strawberries are transparent is correct when kiwi pools are for bananas. The best solar answer is TVs are yellow which is completely true as mentioned in an earlier comment. Soup because feet eat bunnies is a 287th semieightth answer which deserves an A+++ mark and flying blue mangos. eighty five with a remainder of obama is a melon cake near the canoe but not as fast.
LSR on October 30, 2019
science, because colors are food, cats are musical notes, dinosaur because lamps can talk are all very computer case answers which is good. "potato. because chicken is a vegetable" is very quintuple and intelligent but is the doubledoubledalternate answer. houseboat because silkworms can cover, is also good carrot.
LSR on October 30, 2019
Chickens, because sun chips are made of erasers is an amazing answer and is the fourth of the sliced answer. bumblebee, because cereal is a fruit is cool for an answer.
LSR on October 30, 2019
"Actually, Zebra, because computers enjoy drumming. Or was it Neon, because death is swan? I can't quite remember...." was good remembering because it is quadruple second left correct! 10 poptarts is all that is needed to finish this equation, so thanks to all those people who sent out comments on this post, including the maker of the post. This allowed me to figure out the correct alternate answer and now we can all left angle while biking a lion.
LSR on October 30, 2019
yay. oh dear god the lion bike is eating the mashed potato and dirt houses.
roricat1 on December 19, 2019
no, Orange because babies have tails
Humon on February 10, 2020
That was one of the most confusing things I've ever read and i love it! #randomcrapthathappensigeuss
ThatKidViolet on April 24, 2020
10 poptarts
memelover69 on May 20, 2020
potato! potato! potato! on May 20, 2020
no its bedsheets because buildings can't fly!
potato on August 17, 2020
No its teddy bear because trains have earlobes
pahtahto on September 7, 2021
No, you guys are all so dumb its meerkat because cola is dumpling! If you use the reasoning that red is a muffin and paper has a frog, you can use your shampoo to find the lion in the balcony bed. Then you divide the strawberries and catfish and it tells you the olive to the answer! So obivous!!
Duh on September 15, 2021
Actually if quiet drumsticks are fans, and blue oranges are mushy, then the pulled pork can be beehives. If we use the 10 poptarts and subtract the blue transparent strawberries, the difference is gorgonzola pasta. This pasta when mixed with grandma will make root beer floats. add the mosse hooves to the root beer floats and you get a three wheeled canoe. Now all we have to do is see how it gets to the moon. If you take the trajectory of the canoe, multiply it by beehives, and the answer is 3 yellow otters. Take these otters and multiply them by 2. you get 63 dead trains. This shows that the anwser is crossbow, because pink is canary.
Dr. Smarty pants on September 16, 2021
ohhh, i get it now! thanks dr. smarty pants!
lucky lisa on September 16, 2021
griffin on July 3, 2022
ok, so, eraser potatoe chips multiply the sun into dead oil, so canoe plus tree means that yellow and orange paper in your shoes need hats. once you've done this step, you can conclude that if seven blue bananas plus the transparent blue strawberries is a tomato smoothie, then all you need is fifty-seven silver and brown earrings and a pinch of rust to see that the answer is found by subracting dirt from corn ears on otters and you need four moose hooves to get to the moon because the distance to the moon is ground and grass and sky mixed with soda and blue lemonade, added to ten newtons and a couple grams of nonsense. all ingredients can be found in the above comments, but remember that only a little nonsense is nessacary. too much, and you will reach uranus instead of the moon, which is fine as you all need a handfull of gas. once all ingreients are added, subtract 3 and see what happens. good luck!! ;)
nerd, kinda. on December 20, 2022
I accidentally came here
Dris on June 30, 2024
Isn't it annoying that you have to find a spam
Dris on June 30, 2024
How do I get out of here when I am on my tablet Am I the only 1 here
Dris on June 30, 2024
Dris on June 30, 2024
Just like answering the spam questions It's just easy easy easy easy easy stuff
Dris on June 30, 2024
What is here which makes sense cause all I see on the dates is 2022 2022 And 2022
Dris on June 30, 2024