Funny Things to Do

Let's Do JS&B Roleplay

What the...


Added by a Guest on December 3, 2019 | You Like This |


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Cyan: what is this small triangle? *hits triangle* Game: attacks start happening* Cyan: Come over here! Completes the levels before you learn to boost* Okay, I'll try to ride these birds *fails* Wait, can I boost?!?!?! Boosts* Okay, let's do this! Completes the short levels* Okay, these should be easy *goes into level* Wiat, where's the triangle? Guess I'll just survive then. Completes levels* Well I wonder why this is different. *Goes into BOSS level* what the... A boss?!!! Well, I'll just do the same. *Completes level*

࿘༻Κ༵ιེ༵τ༵τ༵γ༵༺࿗ on December 3, 2019

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Yay! Oh, you're my friend! Well this is happy *A Few Seconds Later* hmm a weird thing. I guess it's the end. Triangle gets shoved into gray cactus* Why is it smiling like that? Gray cactus: *turns into Blixer* cyan: ahh run for your life!!!!!!!! Blixer: takes out Tree Of Life* cyan what. Did. You. Do!!!! New game starts* completes level That boss, he powered him self with Doritos, uhhhh...

࿘༻Κ༵ιེ༵τ༵τ༵γ༵༺࿗ on December 3, 2019

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