Funny Anti-Jokes

I Put the Sexy in Dyslexia


Added by a Guest on March 9, 2023 | You Like This |


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well done

hehheh on March 13, 2023

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OKI DOKI—👁️👄👁️👏

….okay then on March 14, 2023

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jj on March 15, 2023

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lol ok hahaha hope ur doing good tho

lucy on March 15, 2023

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(In MY opinion) this is not an anti-joke. dysLexia, there's an 'L' between 'S' and 'E'. That means this is an anti-anti-joke. (also, on an almost completely unrelated note, there should be a dark jokes category)

Ротато on March 16, 2023

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go to jail

jail on March 17, 2023

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ben dover on March 23, 2023

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U are weird af

UwU on March 29, 2023

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I suffer from a very sexy learning disability. What do I call it, Kiff?

PoTaTooOoOoOOo on March 31, 2023


WHUTTTTTT You are CRAZY man. Go sit in a hole.

booknerd on April 9, 2023

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thats going on my gravestone!

ray cist on April 12, 2023

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This is probably the best joke I have ever heard

Some Moron Online on May 8, 2023

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This is funny! Have a great day!

MaddieRu! on May 10, 2023

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i like beans

nobody on September 23, 2023

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you know once i was would have loved myself because i was a miner

week on November 19, 2023

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theres no sexy in dysle- OHHH THATS THE JOKE!!

potato on December 12, 2023

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i dont get it

chees on July 11, 2024

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mago tastes good

A mango on July 18, 2024

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