Funny Books

Llamas (includes Creepy Song)

The story of one llama (and a sloth) and his/her life's quest (and scary children). Llama is a relatable charecter, because he/her has a human's body. Don't worry, he/her dies at the end!


Added by a Guest on March 13, 2015 | You Like This |


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Hi guys, I wrote this. Please like, it was very fun to add add write! Please also gift on Animal Jam (Violetpelt), my so-called best friend hacked my account and stole all my rares... Anyway, thanks for reading and wasting your life away by reading this stupid and un-useful comment! XD. Meow, Saki Hanajima :3

Saki Hanajima on April 9, 2015

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