Funny Diseases

Anti-Social Mood Disorder

Um, "being a jerk," right? See also Antisocial.


Added by Tim on June 4, 2017 | You Like This |


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brian on July 13, 2017

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I have social anxiety... :/ That's mean.

BLEH on October 13, 2017

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antisocial personality disorder is a real thing.....

me on November 15, 2017

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It's actually the name they used for Psychopathy as, some Doctors wold not diagnose people as psychopaths, so they changed the name to 'Anti-social personality disorder'.

An Anti-Social on January 30, 2018

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please don't

anon on April 9, 2018

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I never be social unless its video games (@_@)

poopoo on April 13, 2018

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so basically, I'm a jerk.

cool on March 24, 2019

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Antisocial denotes being or behaving against the idea of being sociable. Most people who are called antisocial are in fact just not very skilled socialists.

Sweetie on December 23, 2019

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You're calling sociopaths, jerks? I'm not own to judge but that's a jerk move. They don't have a choice to not have anti-social personality disorder.

Yoman69 on April 15, 2020

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I know that this isn't the same, but I have Social Anxiety. It sucks when people think I'm being rude or 'a jerk' when I'm just not comfortable. When I'm in the same room as someone, I get jumpy and cautious. I tense and cover myself up. It's not that I don't like you, I just don't want to be there.

RandomKid on January 11, 2021

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