Funny Diseases


Water taste bad and soda doesn't hydrate you... ugh so hard. See also Water.


Added by Miracle on July 18, 2019 | You Like This |


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Water does not taste bad you simpleton

Yee hauw on July 22, 2019

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water flavored ice cream is superior

yeet on July 23, 2019

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someone sees this and makes soda flavored water

soda on August 1, 2019

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if you put it in a bag it tastes way better plus now its i n t r e s t i n g

nope on August 4, 2019

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Idek why im on this site, just bored. Okay, byee now lmao

HEE HEE on August 9, 2019

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I'm not fond of water, soda makes me sick, store bought juice never tastes very good and I can't grow an orange tree... I like lemonade, though.

... on August 13, 2019

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Dehydration isn't real

ur mom on August 19, 2019

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I agree 100% I hate the taste of all water. Ill only drink it if I have too and it has to be super cold with ice or else I wont touch it.

peanut jelly on September 19, 2019

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i hate water and i spell an r/woosh coming up

i hate water fan on November 27, 2019

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yEeT I lovE aPpLe JuiCe

Oof on December 12, 2019

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Just drink squash

George on January 13, 2020

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I actually enjoy water and hates soda So I was born lucky I guess But if you don't like water, add flavors to them

idk man on January 21, 2020

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The solution I discovered is called Soda Water, it's incredible.

YEET on March 8, 2020

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Who got here from bored button

Person on May 12, 2020

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anyone from bored button? this was where it took me

online privacy= no name on May 12, 2020

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Meeeeee! I'm from bored button! And to ur mom dehydration is when you don't drink enough water and since your brain is surrounded by fluid it sinks down because there isn't enough fluid to support it's floating and presses on your skull and that is why you can get a headache when you are dehydrated. Geek power for the win my dudes! Take that sucka!

Geek power on August 4, 2020

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Sorry Geeky much?

Geek power on August 4, 2020

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why is this so trueeeee

SnowWolfychu on August 11, 2020

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hewo also im from bored button

SnowWolfychu on August 11, 2020

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I always used to think water tasted like bells. Like the bells that your ring. I was a weird kid.

Q u a c k on January 11, 2021


ikr, so annoying. i wish i could drink sprite instaid of water

unfunnymemelord on February 16, 2021


also im also here from bored button

unfunnymemelord on February 16, 2021


@Yee hauw r/wooosh

unfunnymemelord on February 16, 2021


i love water more than soda

djninjanova2 on December 20, 2022

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