Funny Diseases


A hallucinated sensation that insects or snakes are crawling over your skin. See also Insects.


Added by IAN on January 16, 2011 | You Like This |


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I wonder if that comes from the French word "fourmi" meaning ant

lars on April 21, 2011

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OMG :O is that a disease ?! i totally have that disease

ME on October 31, 2011

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duuuudee. that's effed . i totally have this, just reading it made me think there was a spider or snake crawling up my leg.

the one commenting. on January 14, 2012

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this happens to me all the time. which kind of makes sense because I love to play with bugs! I let them crawl over me and then when I'm done I take a show and still feel like there crawling on me, but even when I don't play with them, suddenly I feel like there's bugs on me.

lacy on February 25, 2014

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I think I have this. Seriously. Otherwise I am paranoid about- bugs on me. We.

Hi. on June 17, 2017

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I think I have this too.i always feel like I have bugs on me and+,ive only touched 1 or 2 insects in my life.

ImCandy on October 29, 2017

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i tryed searching if it can be connected to aractnaphobia because this sounds like me and i have aractnaphobia but i just got stuff about formifacation and aractnaphobia.

lily on January 3, 2021

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i have this in the summer

potato on February 13, 2021

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