Funny Questions

Why do parents lower the volume in the car when they are trying to find a street address?

It makes no sense. See also Cars, Parents.


Added by oweeeeen on May 8, 2019 | You Like This |


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So they can think straight because you cant do two things at one time. Just like you turn down the music that you playing in your headphones so you can hear your mom yell at you to take out the trash. BtW) Im a Girl!!!! =p

Ervon on May 20, 2019

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so they can scream at you when they stop driving and work on them to find the place

lovedogs on December 6, 2019

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Because hearing the music while trying to concentrate on finding the address is distracting y o u l i t t l e s h * t.

whenwafflesfly on June 26, 2020

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