Funny Clothes

Women's T-shirts with One Breast Pocket

Oh, come on! No woman can use that! Even two breast pockets is awkward. Guys look at a chest already. Pockets just look like pasties.


Added by MsKnowItAll on December 22, 2019 | You Like This |


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MsKnowItAll (MKIA) also stands for Make Knowledge Islands Also become dumb.

Guesst on January 4, 2020

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Guesst, that's rude. You should say sorry to MsKnowItAll.

Yoo-Hoo on January 11, 2020

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Sorry, MsKnowItAll.

Guesst on January 11, 2020

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all you need is a cherry on top Oh! wait you already have that ;p

zaara on January 15, 2020

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MKIA is just a straight try-hard. i mean srsly

Śãɗiə on February 7, 2020

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Where's your proof doh

Guesst on February 15, 2020

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Gisele on March 26, 2020

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actually i prefer to keep my hand in my pocket when my fingers are cold. also a great candle holder.

sascuatch on April 26, 2020

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ok but thats just gross you didnt have to add breast dude @.@

Bored Button Player :) on May 13, 2020

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The word breast isn't gross, it's just part of the female anatomy. Also they're pockets placed on the breast what are they supposed to call them.

The Dead Rat in Your Room on August 15, 2020

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Technically, in the singular form, the word "breast" just means "chest", and is therefore interchangeable between any gender. So the word is not gross.

TeChNiCaLiTy on August 28, 2020

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the kid on December 2, 2020

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..... on December 8, 2020

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there is also a bone in your body called a breastbone, wich keeps all your ribs togeather, and that signiffagantly less gross

Sweetie on February 19, 2021

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Yeah, breast is actually a medical term, not one supposed to be used sexually, but sometimes is. It's just mainly for use of hospitals and whatnot.

Samuel on April 9, 2021

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