Funny Movies

Star Wars Holiday Special

I don't think we'll ever hear Princess Leia singing again. See also Star Wars.


Added by a Guest on November 6, 2019 | You Like This |


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Holidays on Earth would mean nothing anywhere else. Is there really something to celebrate or sing about? Of course, I'm not adverse to celebrating something and having a good time . . .

MsKnowItAll on November 17, 2019

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This, for a long time, was a myth to me, and about everyone else. Until my dad got it for CHRISTMAS??!!! (why?????) and we all watched it. It was merely a long forgotten shelf item. DO NOT WATCH THIS GARBAGE!!!!!

Scourge on December 2, 2019

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I was the original person who posted this you thief. Now my entry is missing!

Super creepy ghost on December 8, 2019

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Brooo i remember when my dad made us watch it no no no no noooooooo

Poop Gal on August 30, 2020

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Guys, ya need to calm down! It's Princess Leia singing, just chill.

DaScotty on September 29, 2020

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holy crap i remember seeing that on disney +

i play switch on April 29, 2021

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