Funny Books

Little Bobby's Drunk Again

The novel tells the story of Bobby Gulpingwhiskey who lives in the town of Dump Water, Florida. When life and school and the Vietnam War become too much for little Bobby to cope with, he turns to drinking the stuff under the sink for solace. He quickly becomes an alcoholic, resorting to pulling out all his hair and ripping off all his skin in a failed attempt to regain his humanity.

Bobby eventually meets his death from alcohol poisoning.


Added by dryboo777 on June 28, 2015 | You Like This |


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How the hell is that funny?

Bgfxbrgbsbvfb on July 15, 2015

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Wasn't that wrote by the leader of Scientology?

Jaxon on December 28, 2016

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This is deep, savage, HILLARYous... and sad.

PotaHOXD on January 6, 2017

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THIS MAKES ME QUESTION LIFE. A LITTLE BOY IS ALREADY DRINKING. LIKE WTFFFFFF (I'm glad there's SOME logic to this, as to that he dies from the beer killing him and loses his mind, it's too young to handle lost brain cells.)

TehSpodermanCen on January 6, 2017

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anonymous on July 25, 2018

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If he's drinking something found under the sink, maybe he should have poisoned himself 200 pages sooner . . .

MsKnowItAll on October 7, 2019

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Exactly. That is not funny. It is very depressing.

vxndzfkjd on April 14, 2020

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