Funny Observations

You Know a Pilot is a Good One if They Have the Same Number of Landings as Takeoffs


Added by a Guest on November 4, 2018 | You Like This |


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I dont get it

Wut? on November 10, 2018


But what about emergency ones and crashes? Also, the “B” above this was bc I tried to typed this, hit B, then accidentally submitted.

awesomeguy21 on November 11, 2018

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Does that mean a pilot is really good when he has 0 landings and takeoffs? Then they're 100% bad on their first takeoff, only dropping to 0% bad when they've landed successfully.

ConcernedCitizen on November 27, 2018

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They are even better when they have more landings than take-offs.

TGE on December 5, 2018

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In that case I'm a good pilot!

Skyhawk on June 23, 2019

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