Funny Insults

Shut up, you smell.


Added by a Guest on March 11, 2020 | You Like This |


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wow i used this and i got beat up!

poo pantg on March 16, 2020

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sounds like something a 6 year old would say lol

1jkohl0678 on March 17, 2020

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Not trying to hate or anything, but 'Shut' doesn't go up.

sOmEoNE on April 14, 2020

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soz my thing did it three times XD

sOmEoNE on April 14, 2020

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this is what you say when you don't know how to roast someone back

A random critic on April 21, 2020

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barrett on May 4, 2020

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does this mean stop farting bc like they are disgusting

ugh on June 8, 2020

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Idk why but I could not stop laughing XD

Olivia on June 26, 2020

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every sibling ever

critique on October 27, 2020

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i say this on the daily about 184289y483894y029- times

g on November 8, 2021

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