Funny Animals


Half fish, half mermaid. Basically looks like this. See also Made Up.


Added by Anthony on March 26, 2008 | You Like This |


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hahahahahahahahaha that's hilarious!!!!!!!!

Amber on March 31, 2008

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its just a fish u idiot

jesus navas on May 10, 2008

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jim on May 12, 2008

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What? Isn't a mermaid half fish already? LAAAME.

I am the winner. on July 12, 2008

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uhm...wat? isnt that just a regular fish? -is intensley confused- @_@ wtf

gracie on September 22, 2008

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I find it funny jesus calls him an idiot for it when he's so stupid he doesn't get the obvious joke. Same goes for gracie

FuckNames on December 13, 2008

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lol this is awesome.

gabe on April 13, 2009

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XD HAHAHAHA only smart people get this right away it took me a few seconds tho... @_@

Raven on July 2, 2009

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LOL. Oh man took me a while to get it. Half fish and half mermaid. But a mermaid is half human and half fish. So you take half fish, and the half fish part from the mermaid and you just get a fish. lol. Damn. Crazy.

some guy on February 4, 2010

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rofl now i get it.

jesus on February 8, 2010

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