Funny Products

Funny Products

51. Ear Picks Shop


Added by a Guest on October 11, 2015| 3 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Products

52. Stress Reducing Japanese Shouting Vase Shop

Per Amazon, "De-stress and home company! The revelation of a secret! I want to scream with all his strength! But public eye (ear) I am worried about. However, a special internal design and cry against snugly-to-mouth, swallow and Gokun cry of the whole body, this "pot of screaming" is there ends up to whisper! Oh clearly over screaming rock out!"

Added by Brian on September 24, 2015| 5 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Products

53. Subtle Butt Disposable Gas Neutralizers Shop

Disposable charcoal pads affixable to your underwear to minimize odors from flatulence. See also Flatulence, Unnecessary.

Added by Ryan on July 11, 2015| 1 Comment | You Like This |

Funny Products

54. Horse-Head Squirrel Feeders Shop

This actually exists, look it up!

Added by a Guest on June 22, 2015| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Products

55. Hai Karate

The Axe Body Spray of the late 1960's. Named after the self-defense maneuver a wearer would need to employ against aggressive female admirers. See also 60's.

Added by a Guest on May 16, 2015| 2 Comments | You Like This |

Yoo-hoooo! Be a doll and add a funny product.

Funny Products

56. Poo-Pourri Shop

Spritz the bowl and no one will know. See also Bathroom, Scatological.

Added by a Guest on March 27, 2015| 2 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Products

57. Selfie Hairbrush Shop

So you can brush your hair, then take a selfie before your hair gets messy! See also Hair.

Added by a Guest on January 18, 2015| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Products

58. Good Looking Hair Spray Shop

Seems legit. See also Hair.

Added by ntpony360 on January 18, 2015| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Products

59. GoGirl Shop

Don't take life sitting down. See also Bathroom.

Added by ntpony360 on January 18, 2015| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Products

60. Egg Cuber Shop

For all your square egg needs.

Added by ntpony360 on January 18, 2015| 3 Comments | You Like This |

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