Funny People

Parents Who Say Their Child is 24 Months Old

Two. Your child is two years old. See also Children, Parents.


Added by a Guest on October 19, 2017 | You Like This |


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I learned there is a reason to this. I used to be like you, but i learned parents say their child in month for the first two years of their life. This is since the development of a 13 month child is much different than the development at 20 months. SO they really just say it for health purposes but i still say two.

Brooke on October 21, 2017

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I know now why they say months, but this still gets on my nerves

The Messenger on October 25, 2017

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me on October 25, 2017


I still think it's cause they miss their cute little newborn. Come on, people. Let your kids grow up, ok? Saying it in months won't make them sound any younger.

Diofeliz on November 28, 2017

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That sad moment when the kid knows there age better than the parents

Lilia on July 24, 2020


i dont want to do math

unfunnymemelord on February 18, 2021


None of us want to think too hard, just say the age in years and move on. I don't say that I'm 164 months old.

Yeetaleetthesecond on October 18, 2021

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145 months old and proud of it!

OMGIt'sFunnyStuff on December 27, 2021

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145 months old and proud of it!

OMGIt'sFunnyStuff on December 27, 2021

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Accidentally submitted twice, my bad:)

OMGIt'sFunnyStuff on December 27, 2021

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