Funny Drinks

The Bad Ass

Equal parts gin, vodka, whiskey, brandy, beer and red/white wine. Serve in a galvanized bucket, spray painted gold and silver, garnish with a whole rutabaga and a dirty tire tool for a stir stick. See also Alcohol.


Added by a Guest on August 20, 2019 | You Like This |


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Should've called it liver failure.

Jeffo Gary on September 30, 2019

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I mean, who uses a dirty tire tool for a stir stick? And who serves it in a galvanized bucket, spray painted gold and silver?

... on May 9, 2020

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This is just gross.

... on May 9, 2020

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this loki sounds really nasty tho

jake on October 26, 2021

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This seems like something you might see in a post-apocalyptic world.

Ротато on March 17, 2023

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