Funny Observations

There is a giant, floating orb in the sky that we can’t make eye contact with, and no one questions it.

See also Astronomy.


Added by a Guest on January 7, 2023 | You Like This |



Hey, it keeps us warm and alive, so I'll take it.

Yeetaleetthesecond on January 25, 2023

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you're commenting on it right now (and so am i)

potato on February 24, 2023

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Actually, there are two giant, floating orbs (that are easily visible to the naked eye), one of which we can make eye contact with, and the other one, which we can't make eye contact with.

Ротато on March 20, 2023


technically,you can look at it,you'll just be temporarily(or permanently)blind.

phyre12 on September 19, 2023

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People do. It's called religion.

The Rewind Man on October 3, 2023

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some people do question it, they are called astronomers

i love kittens on March 7, 2024

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