Funny Advice

What Your Dad Says (1) and What It Means (2), and What You Should Do (3).

1: This map sucks.
2: I have zilch idea where we are.
3: Get a gps next time. For now just shout yourself hoarse.
1: Maybe.
2: No way.
3: Ask your mother instead.
1:Ask your mother.
2: I don't know.
3: Ask your mother.
1: Gimme coke.
2: Gimme coke.
1: Cheap foreign parts!
2: I can't fix it.
3: Get him away from what he's fixing pronto! -Otherwise it'll be even more broken than before!


Added by Jokez on May 25, 2015 | You Like This |


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too true.

;) on May 25, 2015

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I should try to do what you said. XD

Right You Are on May 25, 2015

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