Funny Diseases

Aquagenic Urticaria

When someone is allergic to water and breaks out in hives and rashes after coming in contact with it, in some cases when drinking water the throat swells... worst case scenario you can never let a drop of water touch your skin without breaking out everywhere. See also Water.


Added by a Guest on March 18, 2016 | You Like This |


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Amanda on May 13, 2016

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Potato on May 23, 2016

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thats just sad

potato on June 11, 2016

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Oh my god. I have this. This site literally just diagnosed me. I get hives when I shower. I get hives when I swim. I even get hives when I sweat. I am bringing this up with my doctor why did she never mention this. I don't get hives when I drink though so I'll count myself lucky.

Rowan on June 15, 2016

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I have something similar, but just as strange. Cold urticaria. Same symptoms, but they occur when I'm exposed to cold temperatures. Swimming, a cool breeze, snow, and sometimes even sweat can cool my skin enough to give me hives. Not fun, not funny.

oops on August 6, 2016

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i have this its terrible not at all funny!

maddie on August 23, 2016

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That sounds terrible!

Borland on September 8, 2016

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i have this. i was diagnosed in June

brook on September 21, 2016

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Wtf is with the potatoes

Chloe on September 28, 2016

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I am only posting this because 1) I am SEXY AF 2) I wanted to be a potato because they make me even SEXIER

Papa Issie on October 16, 2016

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this doesn't seem physically possible

deez nutz on November 3, 2016

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abbey on November 13, 2016

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Its a real disease!

evanultra01 on June 25, 2017


Because life wasn't hard enough already XD

CJdadestroyr on August 23, 2017

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its a real thing

Robynne on April 11, 2019

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This is a very real disease, but I can bet you anything the people who say they have this actually don't. It's very uncommon and only about 32 people in the entire WORLD have it.

Guest on November 5, 2020

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Having this must make it so hard to live life. Either you face all the pain that goes along with hives, or you die. I'm glad that this is uncommon, but it also must make it extremely difficult for people with this condition to find people who understand their pain and struggles. I know that no one with this condition will see this, but for the slim chance that someone does, stay strong. <3

RandomKid on January 11, 2021


This sounds like hell. Being allergic to the one thing you need to survive...

Yeetaleetthesecond on January 11, 2022

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