Funny Places

Wagga Wagga, New South Wales

A small town in northern Australia.


Added by a Guest on October 21, 2009 | You Like This |


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Check the atlas is my suggestion. Wagga Wagga, New South Wales (not "Whales", for God's sake)) is actually a middling sized town in the south-east of Australia.

Neil Cammack on November 9, 2009

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it's just down the road from dubbo

Pete on December 31, 2009

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This is also a real place... want funny names? look at about every single creek name in NSW Australia (man-arm creek, bongill bongill creek, swampy creek.... The list goes on....)

Potatototototototo on July 14, 2015

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Seriously Wagga Wagga is nothing compared to a nature reserve in the ACT called Goorooyarroo. Its actually I really pretty walk, if you ever visit Canberra I suggest taking a look at it theres heaps of wildlife and some really pretty flowers there too but anyway...

Um no on February 19, 2016

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