Funny Advice

Never Go to a Doctor Whose Office Plants Have Died

See also Doctors.


Added by person on November 6, 2019 | You Like This |


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why not?

annonomus on November 8, 2019


annonomus cuz if they cant take care of a plant then how can they not keep you dead?

person on November 8, 2019

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cuz otherwise it is irrelevant to their performance on humans. for you to think that a doctor, who has gone through 4 years of medical training and acquired residency at a hospital is not qualified because of the care of the plants in an office that they likely do not even tend to personally.

are they a plant doctor on November 12, 2019

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My doctor always has dead plants.

Mmwhatchusayyy on November 23, 2019

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Oh that's interesting

Guesst on January 18, 2020

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Guys you are arguing on a comedy website. Also there was no need for the... explanation, ok?

Hmm on October 20, 2020

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