Funny Foods

Funny Foods

51. Funeral Potatoes

Actually, it's a really delicious casserole.

Added by a Guest on September 29, 2019| 3 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Foods

52. Pizza Bones

It's the crescent of crust from each slice after you've eaten the good stuff. Some people dip it in garlic butter and eat it separate. First heard this in Austin TX when some guys were begging for pizza bones 'cause they were broke at the time. (I bought them a whole one...) See also Pizza.

Added by MsKnowItAll on September 4, 2019| 5 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Foods

53. Fried Brain Sandwich

Yes, these exist.

Added by a Guest on August 20, 2019| 5 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Foods

54. Sour Patch Kids Cereal Shop

Discontinued, for obvious reasons. See also Breakfast, Candy.

Added by a Guest on August 7, 2019| 10 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Foods

55. Stroopwafels

A godly treat from The Netherlands. Made with two small waffel-shaped wafers and caramel smudged in between. See also Dutch.

Added by bigboithanos on June 19, 2019| 3 Comments | You Like This |

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Funny Foods

56. Canned Cereal Shop

Because there will still be Saturday mornings in the apocalypse.

Added by a Guest on March 20, 2019| 4 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Foods

57. Blood Popsicles

Yes, this exists. I'm not sure when, but a zookeeper once decided it was so hot, they gave all the animals fruit popsicles, and the lion a blood popsicle.

Added by rug on March 15, 2019| 11 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Foods

58. Pickles in a Bag

As sold in highway convenience stores.

Added by a Guest on March 4, 2019| 12 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Foods

59. The Forbidden Push Pop

Also known as glue sticks.

Added by laddragon5 on February 21, 2019| 4 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Foods

60. Canned Bananas

Added by a Guest on February 12, 2019| 6 Comments | You Like This |

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