Funny Insults

Funny Insults

251. If You Were Microscopic You Would be Three Inches Wide

Cause you so fat. See also Obesity.

Added by a Guest on January 13, 2018| 3 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Insults

252. You Ding Dong

Added by a Guest on January 12, 2018| 9 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Insults

253. You're Like a Russian Doll—Full of Yourself

See also Russian.

Added by a Guest on January 8, 2018| 4 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Insults

255. Bendan

Chinese insult that literally means "stupid egg". See also Chinese.

Added by beep on December 20, 2017| 3 Comments | You Like This |

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Funny Insults

256. You’re so annoying, 14 Billion People Hate You.

That's twice the population!

Added by awesomeguy21 on November 1, 2017| 11 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Insults

257. If I Were a Bird, You Would be the First Person I'd Poop on

See also Birds, Scatalogical.

Added by a Guest on October 6, 2017| 3 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Insults

258. Numpty

The most amusing word to use for calling somebody an idiot.

Added by CJdadestroyr on August 23, 2017| 5 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Insults

259. You Are Not Invited to My Birthday Party Anymore

Added by a Guest on August 1, 2017| 22 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Insults

260. Go Step in a Puddle With Your Socks on

Added by a Guest on July 30, 2017| 3 Comments | You Like This |

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