Funny Euphemisms

Funny Euphemisms

61. Sky Squirrel

Also known as a seagull. See also Birds, Rodents.

Added by a Guest on May 1, 2022| 4 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Euphemisms

62. Feet Pants

Also known as socks.

Added by a Guest on April 30, 2022| 1 Comment | You Like This |

Funny Euphemisms

63. Battle Unicorn

Also known as a rhinoceros.

Added by a Guest on April 5, 2022| 4 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Euphemisms

64. Rootie Tootie Point and Shooty

Also known as a gun. See also Weapons.

Added by a Guest on March 21, 2022| 4 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Euphemisms

65. Bird Bites

Also known as chicken nuggets. See also Chickens, Fast Food.

Added by a Guest on February 28, 2022| 3 Comments | You Like This |

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Funny Euphemisms

66. Winged Nail

Also known as honeybee. See also Insects.

Added by username14865 on January 19, 2022| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Euphemisms

67. Ladies Purse

Also known as a black hole. See also Astronomy, Made Up.

Added by Yeetaleetthesecond on January 10, 2022| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Euphemisms

68. Learning Prison

Also known as school. See also Schools.

Added by a Guest on January 7, 2022| 4 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Euphemisms

69. Ouchie Carrot

Also known as a chili pepper.

Added by a Guest on January 7, 2022| 1 Comment | You Like This |

Funny Euphemisms

70. Laundry Juice

Also known as detergent. See also Cleaning.

Added by a Guest on January 7, 2022| 2 Comments | You Like This |

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