Funny Advice

Funny Advice

41. Never Trust Someone Who Says to Trust Them

Trust me, its not worth it.

Added by a Guest on October 16, 2021| 12 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Advice

42. Remember Your Name, You’ll Need It

Added by a Guest on July 17, 2021| 23 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Advice

43. Count Your Eggs Before They Hatch

That way you’ll know if someone steals one of them. See also Chickens, Eggs.

Added by a Guest on April 30, 2021| 9 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Advice

44. Due tomorrow? Do tomorrow.

Don’t worry, you’ve got plenty of time. See also Schools.

Added by a Guest on April 23, 2021| 13 Comments | You Like This |

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Funny Advice

47. Be Adventurous

But don’t venture into the woods, it have ticks. See also Nature.

Added by a Guest on April 8, 2021| 2 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Advice

48. Don’t be Mean

It’s not nice.

Added by ohno on April 5, 2021| 16 Comments | You Like This |

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