Funny Diseases

Funny Diseases

31. Skoptic Syndrome

The desire to castrate oneself.

Added by TheGuest on January 24, 2019| 10 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Diseases

32. Piles

A nasty condition that makes your bum sore. Many kings had it including Stephen of Britain who ruled from 1135 to 1154. Also called hemorrhoids.

Added by a Guest on January 13, 2019| 1 Comment | You Like This |

Funny Diseases

33. Ablutomania

Constant and excessive cleansing of oneself. See also Bathroom, Hygiene.

Added by a Guest on January 2, 2019| 6 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Diseases

34. Cotard's Delusion

A rare medical condition in which someone believes they're dead. See also Death.

Added by a Guest on November 16, 2018| 9 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Diseases

35. CDO

It's like OCD, but in alphabetical order. AS IT SHOULD BE.

Added by a Guest on September 27, 2018| 27 Comments | You Like This |

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Funny Diseases

36. The Dancing Plague of 1518

An epidemic of people dancing until they died. See also Medieval.

Added by PhobiaFactor on May 29, 2018| 14 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Diseases

37. A Serious Case of Nothing to Wear

I can't go to school because I have nothing to wear.

Added by a Guest on February 4, 2018| 23 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Diseases

38. Capgras Delusion

Disorder in which a person thinks a person close to them has been replaced by an impostor.

Added by a Guest on January 15, 2018| 14 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Diseases

39. Clinomania

The excessive desire to stay in bed. See also Sleep.

Added by a Guest on December 21, 2017| 24 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Diseases

40. Pageantitis Follicles

Ladies hair done up BIG! for beauty pageants, weddings, proms, etc.

Added by resistasista on November 8, 2017| 1 Comment | You Like This |

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