77 Entries Tagged “German”

Funny Words

1. Sonntagsleerung

German for “That Sunday feeling.” See also German.

Added by a Guest on March 23, 2024| 4 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Insults

2. Teletubbyzurückwinker

It means somebody who waves back at the Teletubbies. See also German.

Added by a Guest on January 18, 2024| 6 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Words

3. Arschkrampe

German word to describe anything that’s a pain in the ass. See also German, Profanity.

Added by a Guest on January 9, 2024| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Words

4. Handschuhe

German for “gloves.” Literally “hand shoes.” See also German.

Added by Tim on October 16, 2023| 3 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Words

5. Katzenfurz

German for “cat fart.” See also Cats, Flatulence, German.

Added by a Guest on October 10, 2023| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Words

6. Schnapsidee

German for ideas and plans so ludicrous that they must have been conceived while drunk. See also Alcohol, German.

Added by a Guest on September 4, 2023| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Anti-Jokes

7. How many Germans does it take to change a lightbulb?

One. We are efficient and humorless. See also German.

Added by a Guest on August 29, 2023| 6 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Words

8. Erklärungsnot

A German word that translates to “explanation poverty.” For when you don’t have an explanation for something stupid you did. See also German.

Added by unknownthing on May 17, 2023| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Words

9. Dreikäsehoch

German word for little kid that translates to “three-cheese tall.” See also Cheese, German.

Added by a Guest on May 12, 2023| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Words

10. Nacktschnecke

German for “slug.” Translates to “naked snail.” See also German.

Added by a Guest on May 14, 2022| 9 Comments | You Like This |

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