33 Entries Tagged “Math”

Funny Things

21. The MC, M-, M+, and MR Buttons at the Top of a Calculator

I have never used these in my 18 years of life, not have I even learned what they do. See also Math, Unnecessary, Useless.

Added by a Guest on January 22, 2018| 9 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Things to Do

22. Wondering Why Everyone is Using a Ruler on a Test

See also Math, Schools.

Added by beep on November 27, 2017| 3 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Sayings

25. 10 Out 0f 6 People Struggle With Fractions

And 750% of people struggle with percentages. See also Math.

Added by CHorse on September 4, 2016| 4 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Anti-Jokes

26. How Many Mathematicians Does It Take to Fix a Light Bulb?

Someone's occupation has little to no bearing on their ability to accomplish simple tasks such as fixing a light bulb. This ability is more dependent on the life-experience of the particular individual, and a straightforward answer cannot be categorically determined for such a wide range of diverse individuals. See also Math.

Added by a Guest on July 30, 2016| 6 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Phobias

27. Disparnumerophobia

The fear of odd numbers. See also Math.

Added by a Guest on July 25, 2016| 7 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Things

28. T1-81

A graphing calculator and the most technology-advanced and expensive handheld device available to students in the 90's. See also 90's, Math, Schools.

Added by Anthony on June 18, 2016| 4 Comments | You Like This |

Funny Insults

29. Euclidean Point

E.g. "That man is an Euclidian point; a position without substance." See also Math, Nerds.

Added by a Guest on May 12, 2016| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Words

30. Amerlasoorpassuit

Greenlandic for "many", referring to any number above twelve. If you want to specify a certain number, like 17, you have to use Danish numbers. See also Greenland, Math.

Added by a Guest on April 24, 2016| Comment | You Like This |

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